Building on the "Best" - Using Appreciative Inquiry to Strengthen Communities
Appreciative Inquiry (AI) is an Asset-Capacity building Model that celebrates what is going well in a community and builds on these strengths to build capacity and empower community members.
AI theory guides community members to:
- Appreciate and value the best of 'what is'.
- Envision 'what might be'.
- Dialogue about 'what should or could be'.
- Take Action = 'what to do, and how to do it'.
Link: Presentation by Connie Klimek, PuCKs Director
Year: 2009
View PuCKs "Building on the Best" Presentation

PUTTING STUDENTS IN THE GAME ... Learning through Uncertainty & Emergence
PuCKs has evolved, grounded in a philosophy of community involvement, empowerment, leadership and personal growth.
Some of our research has involved the use of inquiry-based learning that supports youth engagement and unique individual growth.
Link: Presentation by Connie Klimek, PuCKs Director
Year: 2008
View PuCKs "Inquiry Learning" Presentation