Welcome to PuCKs, Promoting Community through Kids in Sport Program
OUR VISION: Inspiring and strengthening communities to provide children & youth with opportunities that promote education, health/wellness and life skills ~ through literacy and sports.
PROCESS: Each year, a growing cohort of Langley-Surrey youth play team sports, attend afterschool Lit Fit 3-4 days per week during the school year and daily throughout the month of July. In addition to the sport of their choice, the youth learn how to access and navigate education and job skills to help secure individual education and career-employment goals. Download Program Overview Power Point

Our Community Showcase focused on the digital stories that Karen youth made at PuCKs, cultural food, art, dance, and presentations.The youth worked hard to create digital stories about their families, culture, past experiences, and future dreams using iPads and apps. This included learning how to create scripts, storyboards, graphics, and movies.

Aside from being a haven for automotive eye candy and car buffs galore, the Langley Good Times Cruise-In serves as a lifeline for several local charities both big and small, including the PuCKs Program! This is the second year the organization has been chosen as one of the official Cruise-In charities.