Thanks to BC Hydro!

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PuCKS wishes to thank BC Hydro’s Captain Kids Club Program

BCHydroFor inviting Pucks kids to a really great night with the Vancouver Whitecaps soccer team.

We were fortunate to go to a winning match with the Vancouver Whitecaps FC winning 3-0 against Real Salt Lake.   

Highlights of the night included amazing seats directly behind the players bench and  a super charged atmosphere created by thousands of excited chanting fans. With the roof top open we thought it wonderful luck to feel a few drops of rain and a gentle breeze blowing through the stadium .The kids recieved very cool gift packs which included a drum and Vancouver Whtecaps FC posters provided by BC Hydro.

Everyone had a wonderful time !

Again a shout out of Thanks to BC Hydro Captain Kids Club program and all those who helped to make it a special event for these kids.


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